In short: No
It doesn't tell you anything about the quality and is much to expensive for a more or less hobby-beekeeper like me.
You like it somewhat more detailed?
Of course ....
The EU-BIO-sign for "certified organic products" don't check the honey nor is interested if it is free of any genetically manipulated incredients. Even if the bees visited exclusivly bioengeneered plants the honey would get the BIO-certification.
The basic aim of BIO is animal protection not honeyquality.
The well-known german "Stiftung-Warentest" (product tester) gave up and tells it clear:
Quote: (Jan 30, 2009; translated by me)
"A by many consumers desired freedom of choice for GMO-free products is not able for honey because of the different interpretations of given labeling requirements. But regardless, even if all pollen in honey would be from genetically modified plants, the honey will not be labeled as such, because pollen is not included in the GMO under the Gene-Technology-Act - according to the ruling of the Administrative Court of Frankfurt (Oder) of 8 May 2007."
End of quote
Link: http://www.test.de/themen/essen-trinken/test/Honig-35-Marken-im-Test-1750427-1753910/

Well my thinking is, this certification does not give us a real sign for a better honey-quality, nor an evidence for a more careful and ethical beekeeper, it's a marketing-label to earn another 2-3 Euros extra per glass.